Familiars.io / Reference / Moves

All Moves

Name Type Description
Annoy 1
90% chance Foe -1 phys.armor
Annoy 2
90% chance Foe -2 phys.armor
Barbs 1 Slime
3 phys. dmg (95% hit)
40% chance Inflict poison for 5 turns
Barbs 2 Slime
5 phys. dmg (95% hit)
60% chance Inflict poison for 5 turns
Barbs 3 Slime
7 phys. dmg (95% hit)
80% chance Inflict poison for 5 turns
3 magic dmg
Blaze 1 Fire
3 magic dmg
Blaze 2 Fire
6 magic dmg
Blaze 3 Fire
9 magic dmg
Bloom 1 Leaf
4 magic dmg
Bloom 2 Leaf
7 magic dmg
Bloom 3 Leaf
10 magic dmg
Boil 1 Fire
4 phys. dmg
Self +1 phys.power
Boil 2 Fire
6 phys. dmg
Self +2 phys.power
Self +1 phys.armor
Brew 1
Happens next turn: Recover 4 health
Brew 2
Happens next turn: Recover 8 health
Burn-back 1 Fire
Reflect magic attacks back
12 magic dmg
Burn-back 2 Fire
Reflect magic attacks back
20 magic dmg
3 phys. dmg
Self +1 mag.armor
Conjure 1 Hex
4 magic dmg
Conjure 2 Hex
7 magic dmg
Conjure 3 Hex
10 magic dmg
Corn Gun 1 Leaf
4 magic dmg
Corn Gun 2 Leaf
8 magic dmg
5 phys. dmg (90% hit),
but 1 dmg to yourself
Deluge 1 Water
4 magic dmg
Deluge 2 Water
9 magic dmg
Expel 1 Slime
9 phys. dmg
but stop self from attacking next turn
Expel 2 Slime
14 phys. dmg
but stop self from attacking next turn
Fast Bomb 1 Robot
3 phys. dmg (Never misses)
Fast Bomb 2 Robot
6 phys. dmg (Never misses)
Fever 1 Fire
3 phys. dmg
50% chance Foe -1 phys.armor
Fever 2 Fire
5 phys. dmg
50% chance Foe -2 phys.armor
Inflict damage on foe when physically hurt. 3 turns
Self +1 phys.power
Blocks attacks against you and your foe (3 turns)
Gaze 1
75% chance Foe -1 phys.armor
Gaze 2
75% chance Foe -2 phys.armor
Gaze 3
75% chance Foe -3 phys.armor
Reset all stat adjustments on Foe
Inferno Fire
10 magic dmg
Inflict damage on foe when physically hurt. 1 turns
90% chance Random mischief may befall the foe over next 4 turns
Laser 1 Robot
4 magic dmg
Laser 2 Robot
6 magic dmg
Laser 3 Robot
8 magic dmg
Laser 4 Robot
10 magic dmg
Late Bomb 1 Robot
Happens next turn: 4 phys. dmg (Never misses)
Late Bomb 2 Robot
Happens next turn: 6 phys. dmg (Never misses)
Late Bomb 3 Robot
Happens next turn: 8 phys. dmg (Never misses)
Late Bomb 4 Robot
Happens next turn: 10 phys. dmg (Never misses)
Magnify 1
Self +1 mag.power
Magnify 2
Self +2 mag.power
Magnify 3
Self +3 mag.power
Gradually heal the active familiar during the next 5 turns
Use the same move as your opponent
6 magic dmg (Never misses)
Recover 3 health
Nap 1
Recover 3 health
Works even when stopped
Nap 2
Recover 5 health
Works even when stopped
Ooze 1 Slime
3 phys. dmg
Foe -1 speed
Ooze 2 Slime
5 phys. dmg
Foe -2 speed
Ooze 3 Slime
8 phys. dmg
Foe -3 speed
Patchwork 1 Plush
4 magic dmg
Patchwork 2 Plush
7 magic dmg
Patchwork 3 Plush
10 magic dmg
Pins 1 Plush
3 phys. dmg
Pins 2 Plush
7 phys. dmg
80% chance Gradually damage foe familiars. 3 turns
Possess Hex
4 phys. dmg (90% hit)
Foe -1 phys.power
Foe -1 mag.power
Cure Poison
Reset all stat adjustments on Self
Riptide 1 Water
4 phys. dmg (85% hit)
Riptide 2 Water
7 phys. dmg (85% hit)
Riptide 3 Water
9 phys. dmg (85% hit)
Riptide 4 Water
12 phys. dmg (85% hit)
Rocket 1 Fire
4 phys. dmg (75% hit)
Rocket 2 Fire
6 phys. dmg (75% hit)
Rocket 3 Fire
9 phys. dmg (75% hit)
Rocket 4 Fire
11 phys. dmg (75% hit)
Rocket 5 Fire
13 phys. dmg (75% hit)
Roulette 1
Up to 7 phys. dmg
Roulette 2
Up to 10 phys. dmg
Roulette 3
Up to 14 phys. dmg
Reveal foe's party members
Shoots 1 Leaf
3 phys. dmg (90% hit)
Shoots 2 Leaf
5 phys. dmg (90% hit)
Shoots 3 Leaf
7 phys. dmg (90% hit)
Shoots 4 Leaf
9 phys. dmg (90% hit)
Splatter 1 Slime
5 phys. dmg (85% hit)
Splatter 2 Slime
9 phys. dmg (85% hit)
30% chance Foe -1 phys.power
Spores 1 Leaf
4 phys. dmg
Make foe sometimes use the wrong move over next 5 turns
Spores 2 Leaf
7 phys. dmg
Make foe sometimes use the wrong move over next 5 turns
Get 100% accuracy against the foe. 5 turns
Self +1 phys.armor
Self +1 mag.armor
Stench 1
Pierce all enemy armor for 3 turns
Stench 2
Pierce all enemy armor for 5 turns
Storm 1 Water
5 magic dmg (Never misses)
25% chance Blocks attacks against you and your foe (2 turns)
Storm 2 Water
7 magic dmg (Never misses)
50% chance Blocks attacks against you and your foe (2 turns)
Sun Rays 1 Fire
4 phys. dmg (Never misses)
Remove all fog from the field
Sun Rays 2 Fire
6 phys. dmg (Never misses)
Remove all fog from the field
Sun Rays 3 Fire
8 phys. dmg (Never misses)
Remove all fog from the field
Switch to another team member after the foe attacks
Teardrop 1 Water
3 phys. dmg
80% chance Foe -1 phys.power
Teardrop 2 Water
5 phys. dmg
80% chance Foe -2 phys.power
Inflict poison for 9 turns
Trample 1
4 phys. dmg (85% hit)
Trample 2
8 phys. dmg (85% hit)
40% chance Stop foe from attacking for its next 2 turns
Unnerve 1
90% chance Foe -1 phys.power
Unnerve 2
90% chance Foe -2 phys.power
Vampire 1 Hex
5 phys. dmg
Sucks 1/2 dmg
Vampire 2 Hex
8 phys. dmg
Sucks 3/4 dmg
5 phys. dmg (90% hit)
50% chance Stop foe from attacking during its next turn
9 phys. dmg (90% hit),
but 2 dmg to yourself
85% chance Reset all stat adjustments on Foe