Familiars.io / Reference / Types / Leaf

Familiars with Leaf-type

Name Typing HP P.Armor M.Armor Speed Moveset
Cobby Leaf 24 0 4 6 Corn Gun 2 Magnify 3 Sun Rays 2 Fog Nap 1
Prints Leaf Hex 27 0 2 5 Bloom 3 Jinx Conjure 2 Trance
Bunion Leaf 24 2 0 4 Shoots 4 Stench 2 Purify Teardrop 2
Rascal Leaf Slime 25 2 0 6 Wallop Annoy 2 Spores 2 Splatter 2 Toxins

Moves with Leaf-type damage

Bloom 1
4 magic dmg
Bloom 2
7 magic dmg
Bloom 3
10 magic dmg
Corn Gun 1
4 magic dmg
Corn Gun 2
8 magic dmg
Shoots 1
3 phys. dmg (90% hit)
Shoots 2
5 phys. dmg (90% hit)
Shoots 3
7 phys. dmg (90% hit)
Shoots 4
9 phys. dmg (90% hit)
Spores 1
4 phys. dmg
Make foe sometimes use the wrong move over next 5 turns
Spores 2
7 phys. dmg
Make foe sometimes use the wrong move over next 5 turns