Familiars.io / Reference / Familiars / Watt

Stat Value
Typing Water Robot
HP 42
Physical Armor 0
Magic Armor 2
Speed 1


3 magic dmg
Reveal foe's party members
Get 100% accuracy against the foe. 5 turns
Riptide 3 (Water-type)
9 phys. dmg (85% hit)
Storm 2 (Water-type)
7 magic dmg (Never misses)
50% chance Blocks attacks against you and your foe (2 turns)


Level Upgrade
Level 1
Level 2 HP +5
Level 3 Learn Spotlight
Level 4 Learn Riptide 1
Level 5 HP +4
Level 6 M.Armor +1
Level 7 Learn Storm 1
Level 8 HP +5
Level 9 Learn Riptide 2 (Replaces Riptide 1)
Level 10 HP +4
Level 11 M.Armor +1
Level 12 Learn Storm 2 (Replaces Storm 1)
Level 13 HP +5
Level 14 Learn Riptide 3 (Replaces Riptide 2)
Level 15 HP +6